News and Information

WAL’s Arty/Party Salon Meeting Reminder: Sunday Dec. 14

Hello All,
The WAL’s Arty/Party Salon Meeting. An Open Forum to all. Public invited as well.

Many of you might recall then when we had our salon meetings at Lisa’s,  we would all bring a dish to share. Since this meeting is in remembrance of those wonderful sessions and also a chance to have a time to celebrate the holidays with our membership, each of us can bring something to this occasion as well.

To confirm time and place, so you can let people know- The Senior Center on Kings Highway in back of the Town Hall from 1 to 4pm on Dec. 14th.

Let me know if you have any last minute suggestions as to how we can make this a stimulating get together as we hope to do scheduling  ideas for 2015 meetings. Gail Bate has already been brainstorming and emailing a lot of her thoughts which I will attempt to share if she is unable to make it. In one of her suggestions, to reach out to the community, was invite Robert Garbutt from the Historical Society.

Some of the membership I’ve heard from would like to bring some of their works to sell at this event (why not?)

We could also bring works that we are currently involved in that we may have concerns about or need some thoughts on how to resolve certain problems etc.

Let me know how you are doing with your phone chain and if you could possibly go down the list to see if you could  reach out further that would be great too.
Thank you,
Looking forward

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