News and Information

Upcoming Events 2018 (revised 5/6/18)

May: Watercolor, pastels and pencil drawings by artist and designer Cathe Linton will be on display during the month of May at the Greenwood Lake Public Library, located at 79 Waterstone Rd. in Greenwood Lake, NY.

May 8 – June 13: Divergence ~ Oils and Watercolors by Susan Hope Fogel, Orange Hall Gallery Fringe

May 25: Pick up Windows and Mirrors The Library would like to extend the current Community Art Show, Windows & Mirrors through May 31. If you need you piece before May 31 please contact Kathleen Georgalas at 986-1047 ext. 5 or
June“En-Light Scapes” a solo exhibition by artist Sarah McHughin the Community Room and Hallway Gallery at the AWL.  Meet & Greet Reception is on Friday, June 8th, 5- 7pm.

June – Celebratory Memorial Exhibition for longtime WAL member Sylvia Levy.  Reception Sunday, June 10th, 1-3 pmin the Board Room at the Albert Wisner Public Library.

June 2-3:   WHOA exhibit

June 1-30: Solo exhibition by WAL artist Susan Webber at Tuscan Cafe, 5 1/2 South St., Warwick, NY.

July 6-7 —   Second Annual Plein Air Paint Out in collaboration with The Warwick Valley Garden TourPre-tour is Friday July 6, meeting at the RR Green at 4:30 and proceeding from there. Garden tour is Saturday July 7, 9 – 3. They have seven gardens on this year’s tour.   **AND WOULD LIKE TO HAVE A SIGN UP SHEET AVAILABLE FOR THOSE WHO WOULD INTERESTED IN PARTICIPATING AS WE HAVE TO WORK OUT THE LOCATIONS, ETC.

July 1 – Deadline for Bertoni Juried Small Works Exhibit.  Click here for prospectus and application: Bertoni Call for Art 2018

August – “Visual Journeys” Warwick Art League’s Annual Membership Exhibition in the Community Room and Hallway Gallery at the AWL. Open to all current members for 2018, up to 2 works can be brought on Wednesday August 1 from 9-11am. Anyone who can stay to help with the hanging is greatly appreciated. Meet & Greet Reception is Friday, August 10th, 4:30 –6:30pm. Take down of the show is Friday, August 31.
SeptemberReflections & Expressions,” the follow-up exhibit from July’s Plein Air Paint Out from the Warwick Valley Garden Tour, in the Board Room at AWL.  Works to be brought and hung on Saturday, September 1 from 9-11am. The Meet & Greet Reception is Friday, September 7th from 4:30- 6:30pm. Take Down of the exhibit is Sunday, September 30.

September 1 – December 30th:   Juried Small Works Exhibition: Bertoni Gallery, 50 Main Street, Warwick, NY, is looking for artists interested in exhibiting wall artworks 12”x12” or smaller.  Click here for prospectus and application: Bertoni Call for Art 2018

October/November – Stay Tuned –*Yesterday, I spoke with Mary Mugele Sealfon about a possible workshop for our 1st Sunday OR it has also been suggested  that we could possibly see if Janet Howard Fatta would be interested for either first Sunday as well.
December —  The Board Room at the AWL has been reserved for a Small Works show for members of the WAL. Details to follow. *Cathe Linton set this up for us and am not sure if a Meet & Greet date & time has been put on the calendar as yet. We also need to set up the parameters, date & time for hanging, take down, size restrictions etc.

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