News and Information

Susan Hope Fogel’s 2020 Workshops


As most of you know, December will be the last month I will be teaching at the Ridgewood Art Institute. To fill the void for some painters I will be scheduling various workshops in Warwick, NY. I am in the planning stages for these and would like to know what your interests are so I can put your name on the proper email list.

There should only be one email a month – so also let me know if you want to receive notifications for all the workshops. Please forward to anyone you wish and let me know if you would like your name removed from all email lists. It is best if you text your response as emails sometimes get overlooked: 845-548-7163.

Here is a list of the various subjects I plan to cover:

LANDSCAPE OOPS!      Each participant will bring in a painting they would like to improve. We begin with a critique of all participant’s landscape painting, either studio or plein air work. During the critique you will receive direction on how to move forward to make various corrections to improve the painting. Color, composition, values, etc will be discussed.

COLOR THEORY        In this workshop we will explore aspects of color and how best to use this knowledge in creating convincing spatial relationships and atmosphere in any painting. Temperature, intensity, saturation, values, etc.

LANDSCAPE COLOR MIXING          For those who are interested in working with the 3 strings of colors: green, grey and blue in landscape painting. Using these colors is a great aid (time saving) in finding the right values when painting in plein air. Based on the prismatic palette that is part of the tradition at Ridgewood Art Institute. This involves mixing 8 tubes of green, grey and blue each. ($$$ for paint)

PLEIN AIR PAINTING           Usually limited to April-October; however, there could be a pop-up session if we get some warmer weather in the winter. Two possibilities: 2 hour outdoor session only or a 4 hour session, which includes a studio session for critiques and continued editing work on the paintings.

FLORAL and STILL LIFE PAINTING           Setups geared for various levels of experience so this would be appropriate for beginner to advanced painters.

DRAWING BASICS REVIEWED          If you are interested in becoming a representational painter – DRAWING SKILLS are IMPORTANT! This session will focus on 5 basic techniques that will immediately improve your drawing skills. My goal in this workshop is to give you skills that allow you to self-correct your drawing.  One can never have too much drawing in their life! A great refresher class for all of us who need reminders!

EXPERIMENTAL WATERCOLOR          So much fun and creative exploration! Break out of your comfort zone and play with paint. It’s addicting….throw…splash…splatter…drip…pull…whatever!!! We have been doing this for a while and I find it very interesting that a unique style emerges very quickly for each individual. If you are unfamiliar with this you can check out my website :
Enjoy your holidays !! Hope to see you in 2020! SUSAN

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