News and Information

AWPL Accepting Entries: Paint the Town Red

Dear Artists:

The Library is ready to welcome art back into the Library! We invite you to participate in the first Community Art Show of 2021 with the theme “Paint the Town Red!” The subject is your choice but the dominant color must be red!

You must register to participate in this show. Download the entry form here or stop by the Library to pick one up. Please let me know if you will participate in the exhibition by May 15, 2021 via email ( or call 845-986-1047, ext. 5. The show will run from June 15 through September 15, 2021. While we are still unable to host a reception, we are excited to welcome you – and your art – back to the Library! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate in contacting me. 

Warm regards, 
Siobhán O’Riordan
Albert Wisner Public Library
845-986-1047, ext. 5

1 thought on “AWPL Accepting Entries: Paint the Town Red

  1. Please sign me up for Paint the Town Red I’ll stop by and pick up a form this week !

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