News and Information

Plein Air Here We Come!

Dear Members,

I spoke with the Warwick Valley Garden Club about being able to participate this year during the Garden Tour in July. The gardeners have some very specific requests this year for the WAL plein air painters & photographers.

The tour is scheduled for July 10 with rain date the next day, the 11th. There are 6 gardens this year. The specific requests are as follows: 2 of the gardens are large so can accommodate (3) artists; 2 are medium size so they will allow (2) artists; the final 2 are small so only (1) artist can be there. So 12 artists can certainly be able to paint in the a.m. & 12 in the p.m. The photographers, since they are basically “floaters”, will be required to pick up a bracelet (free for WAL ) at Railroad Green the day of the tour.  All artists will be required to register their spot after the pre-your is over. We will meet at Railroad Green after the pre—tour to register.  Further, for the pre-tour, we are asked to carpool to accommodate parking problems, so all please double up. Call Sarah McHugh if you have questions. There is more news to share, but this is long enough for now. Stay tuned for more info.

Thank you,

Sarah McHugh

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