News and Information

SoulCollage at Milkweed 6:30pm Thursday, June 28

Our next meeting will be at 6:30, Thursday, June 28 at the Milkweed Gallery at 2-3 Romer’s Alley in Sugar Loaf, NY.
The attached card seemed to fit the concerns of the day that arise.   This Council Card is a Protector of Children
and one who “feels strongly about nurturing all children’s safety, security and dreams in order to grow strong to share
their gifts with the world.”

Information on this and the other suits will be shared with a guide for reading cards.

75% of the proceeds go to turn the lights back on all over Puerto Rico (We have donated $555. so far), and 25% goes to keeping the lights on at Milkweed.
We ask $25. for the approximately 2 hour group, (or $20. if you bring some food to share).   All supplies are included, and
you are welcome to bring any images you like. So we look forward to seeing you Thursday.

Pat, Hannah and Amanda

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