News and Information

Calling Artists ‘Inspired by…’ Exhibit @ AWPL

You are invited to participate in the ‘Inspired by…’ Community Art Show at the Albert Wisner Public Library.

‘Inspired by…’ Pick a famous artist as an inspiration—for example, Van Gogh, Degas, Rembrandt, Pollock, or Picasso—and create a work which displays a figurative, literal or thematic inspiration of that particular artist’s work on their own.

This non-juried show is open to all adult artists in Orange County. There is no entry fee.

Registration: (Deadline – Feb 1st) Call or email Siobhan O’Riordan at 845 986-1047 ext. 5 or to register.

Drop Off: Mon & Tues, Feb 11th and 12th during normal library hours.

Reception: TBA; open to public.

Pick Up: Thur, May 16th during normal library hours.

Entry Form:

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