News and Information

WAL’s “Spring Muse” Tuscan Cafe Exhibit (Mar/Apr)

The Warwick Art League is pleased to announce that the Tuscan Cafe will host an exhibition of our work in March and April called, “Spring Muse”. The Tuscan Cafe has a bright vibe and several of our artists sold their work last year. Each member may enter 2 hanging works of art into the show. Because of space limitations, each work of art should be no larger than 20X24 inches including the frame.

All entries for the exhibit must be ready to hang. If your art sells during the exhibit, 10% of the sale price will go to the Tuscan Cafe. Dates and times for hanging and taking down the exhibit will be announced later this month. In order to facilitate planning the show and printing tags, members who would like to to participate should text or call Carol Levitsky at 973-975-8575 by February 26th with the following information about your art: title, medium, name of artist, price and dimensions including the frame.

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