News and Information

Reflections & Updates From Our WAL Co-President 2021

Recalling how 2020 started with such promise, beginning in January with that wonderfully successful Lynn Pratt watercolor workshop to be followed by another stimulating drawing workshop to be given by Susan Hope Fogel. And in March, of course, just after we managed to hang two beautiful exhibits, one at Tuscan and the other at our, Albert Wisner Public Library, as we are all too well aware, everything came to a screeching halt.

Thankfully, 2020 is behind us now, and as we welcome in the new year, we do so with hope on the horizon. With the coming of the vaccine, I am aiming for optimism here, along with all our officers, about keeping our organization, your Warwick Art League alive and well with its continuing membership.

Even during the pandemic, some of our Friday group, who usually met at the Senior Center, managed during the warmer months, at least to arrange socially distant outdoor plein air events. And if the Senior Center has to remain close for a while, we can certainly plan to resume some of those opportunities and with any other ideas you come up with in the future. Please do share your thoughts and any updates you may have.

Some good news to share right now is that our long time member, Sarah Lane, has won this years cover painting for the Warwick Valley Telephone Company. Congratulations Sarah!!

As you all know, this years dues remain the same: $25 for Single and $40 for Family. Our current insurance is up to date until September, but by then, we will have to renew, and hopefully, by then, we will be able to offer and pay for more workshops. I know Susan Hope Fogel is still planning on providing hers whenever and however possible.

Checks should still be made out to Sarah McHugh and mailed to: The Warwick Art League, c/o Sarah McHugh, PO Box 17, Bellvale, NY 10912.

As I hope and pray all are well, I so look forward to seeing you again as soon as possible.

Your Co-President & Membership Coordinator, Sarah McHugh, 845 987 8748

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