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Our WAL Plein Air Garden Paintings

Painted by our Warwick Art League Members in partnership with the Warwick Valley Gardeners, these plein air paintings were gifted this year to the homeowners we painted for.

2 thoughts on “Our WAL Plein Air Garden Paintings

  1. Sweet! Great paintings – the owners must be thrilled! Sorry to miss you this year – timing just didn’t work. We’ve put our little lake house on the market thinking to simplify & stay south. Will always remember you as a warm & welcoming group. Had fun painting in beautiful Warwick gardens & made some decent paintings. And enjoyed hanging with you in your Warwick Library shows! Wishing you all the best, health & happiness with many masterpieces, Susan

  2. One of the Master Gardeners told me that she thought these were the best gifts ever. She loved them all.

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