News and Information

Communications & Technology Director Role is Open!

Looking to get more involved in the Warwick Art League by taking up a leadership position and learn new skills? Our Communications & Technology Director Role is opening with Christine stepping away in preparation for her first child.

The responsibilities of this role entail:

  • Maintaining our WAL website in terms of posts, calendar events, and content
  • Maintaining our WAL mailing list on
  • Email blasting our WAL mailing list from with important dates/reminders
  • Posting upcoming events/past events to our WAL Instagram for publicity/community engagement
  • Posting upcoming events/past events to our WAL Facebook to reach our members who might not check the website or receive the emails

If you are interested in this role, please reach out to Christine Perrone at and Sarah McHugh at by July 31st.

Christine will be happy to meet with you on everything you might need to know for the above bullets. This can also be split up to spread to multiple people in terms of a Social Media Coordinator and Website/Email Communications Coordinator.

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